Download IDM Terbaru 6.40 Build 7 Final Full Version merupakan IDM modern yg rilis dalam lepas 25 Januari 2022 ini & bisa anda download menggunakan perdeo pada gigapurbalingga ini. Seperti kita memahami bahwa IDM ini adalah aplikasi terbaik yg bisa kita pakai buat meningkatkan kecepatan proses download arsip pada internet.
- Resolved problems with video recognition on several web sites
- Resolved problems with crashes and freezing when assembling some types of video streams
- Fixed timeout problems with some web sites
- Added a setting to IDM to turn off context menu items in Google Chrome browser
- Fixed bugs with custom fonts. Fixed a problem when using a large font on low screen resolution, IDM dialogs and fonts do not increase over screen size now. Fixed problems with not fitting button names in IDM Options and in IDM Scheduler when fonts with wide metrics are used. Fixed problems with cutting tabs on download progress dialog. Fixed other minor bugs with custom fonts
- Improved download engine. Increased download speed for several web sites
- Fixed timeout problems and other errors when establishing connection with some web sites
- Added support for “Make text bigger” feature in Windows 10/11 accessibility settings. IDM will change the font size now
- Added the selection of font for IDM interface to View->Fonts menu item of main IDM window
- Improved the processing of capturing downloads from the web sites that don’t allow making second http request
- Increased download speed for several web sites
- Resolved problems with https downloading for some users
- Improved video recognition for some web sites
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Added search in an old way in full IDM list (F3) when closing the SearchBar
- Fixed a bug with adding downloads from the command line
- Changed the search dialog (Ctrl-F) and added SearchBar
- Fixed a problem with searching Unicode strings
- Added the ability to show “Parent web page” column to the list of downloads of the main dialog
- Fixed problems with downloading from several sites
- Improved download engine
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Improved browsers integration
- Fixed problems with downloading from several sites
- Fixed problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Improved the interception of downloads
- Added support for new types of video streams
- Fix problems with downloading for several types of video streams
- Fixed the problem with the pale drawing of the download panel in Firefox 83 on Windows 7
- Fixed handling of http status “308 Permanent Redirect”
- Improved video recognition in web players
- Resolved download problems for several types of video streams
- Fixed problems with downloading from several sites
- Resolved download problems for several types of video streams
- Improved the interception of downloads from browsers
- Added support for new types of video streams
- Fixed a bug with command line downloads
- Fixed a problem with erroneous interceptions of BIN files from gmail and other Google services
- Added support for new types of video streams, fixed problems when assembling some types of videos
- Fixed a problem with stealing focus when IDM processed download queue
- Updated SSL libraries
Cara Instal IDM Terbaru
- Download IDM Terbaru ini dan ekstrak filenya “[]_idm640b5f”.
- Ekstrak juga file crack yang berada di dalam folder tersebut.
- Jika sebelumnya pc anda sudah terinstal IDM, silahkan uninstall lalu bersihkan registry dengan ccleaner.
- Instal programnya seperti biasa.
- Setelah proses instalasi selesai, jangan dulu masuk ke dalam programnya.
- Buka task manager, lalu klik kanan icon IDM dan klik exit.
- Buka folder patch, lalu copy pastekan file patch ke dalam folder instalasi IDM.
- Jalankan file patch dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
- Klik Crack.
- Done.
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